Devastating Emails that PROVE Fauci is a Liar



We lost our son from Covid. We couldn’t visit him in the hospital. No funeral. My wife and I will never rest until these scumbags are held accountable!

Just confirms that we anti-vaxxers were correct in our beliefs…


  1. Fauci is such a dishonest piece of fecal matter. A troubled little man with a big ego.

    I pray he gets prosecuted for his murderous crimes against the American people.

  2. Fauci lied to Congress. Others are in jail. When is this scumbag liar going to be charged and spend time in prison. He has blood on his hands and should pay the price

  3. Never forget these “experts” also blocked physicians from prescribing early treatment , like Ivermectin.
    2020 Sen.Ron Johnson held a Hearing with Doctors who gave patients early treatment with Ivermectin with a near perfect success rate. Pharmacist were not allowed to fill, patients denied med. Doctor threatened with loss of license!
    Democrats & MSM mocked the Doctors & Sen Johnson.
    How many died for lack of early treatment with 20+ yr old meds, Ivermectin & Hydroxy chloroquine, inexpensive & no serious side effects?
    But Fauci’s expensive Remdesivir given IV in hospital was recommended & success rate was not remarkable.
    What was rationale for Fauci& his “experts” to deny early treatment? IMO it was to make Trump look bad & that’s a shocking thing to realize. They let people die! !

  4. IT is so unfortunate that non medical people make easy judgements on medical people who have experiences with their fields. We love to prosecute people who try their best to save lives. When are we going to be little patient with others and give them chances to prove their integrity. It is like patients who do not have any background on nursing criticize their nurses. We have lost so much respect for others and we are dominated by hatred and fault finding. It is no wonder that we are having many interpersonal problems that we rush to making assumptions not really based on truths.


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