Democrats And Black Liberals BREAK DOWN IN TEARS LIVE ON AIR Over Joe Biden Dropping Out 2024 Race!



If Biden was such a great President, then why did his own party boot him out?

I swear everyone has amnesia about Joe Bidens history.


  1. ?Van Jones?, this is one delusional and soooo drunk on the kool-aide , Old Joe could tell him Obama was actually White and that elephants are really small, and leprechauns are among us, and he would believe with ALL HIS HEART! That OLD PaPa Joe was telling the truth.

  2. Anyone know where a circus is close by. We have some wacko clowns running around needing a place to take refuge. They’ve seemed to lost their lead clown. The regime seems to be in melt down mode, like when the hive loses its queen, total chaos takes over.

  3. Crocodile tears. The same people who were (literally in the case of folks like Pelosi) threatening Biden UNLESS he dropped out are now tearfully ruing his decision to drop out. So, here’s the answer – “HEY, JOE! They didn’t mean it! They want you back! C’mon back, Joe, show ’em what you’ve got. Why I bet you could take Trump on in a second debate and kick his butt. How about it, Joe – call a press conference, tell the reporters you were just kidding and you are IN IT TO THE END!!!”

    Help dry those Democrat tears, Joe. Do it. Do it NOW!

    Let’s see the reaction to that one, shall we, folks?

  4. I have tears too, but I’m laughing hysterically because I’ve never seen this kind of madness before in my life. The bluecoats have tried to destroy our way of life and now I see just how loyal they were towards trying to accomplish it. I just want my America back.


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