Democrat Calls For RE-EDUCATION CAMPS For Trump Supporters After MAGA Nightmare



Surely a re education camp for a progressive is called real life

And they have the gall to call us ‘Nazis’.


  1. If, after listening to Stafanik and her “re-education” camps you think there is going to be a peaceful “bi-partisan” future for America, then you don’t understand the EVIL that is the Demoncratic Party. They drool over a reborn Auschwitz filled with MAGA, operating just the same as it did in 1940’s Germany.
    The question is……will you go quietly to the slaughter like sheep, as before?

  2. The Progressives (meaning socialists) should be re-educated.

    MAGA means protecting our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights; booming economy, limited govt, border security.

    Oh, how the Dems need to be re-educated…socialism does not work in the United States.

  3. Doesn’t that hag mean “ concentration” camps like nazi germany had? They have plenty of them, all the closed military bases that Obama closed, were set up for that purpose! Maybe the DEMONrats should be sent there! THEY need re-educating! It is coming, wait for it! They are after ALL MAGA people!

  4. Time to get rid of all this liberal, progressive communist filth immediately. I could go on and say more but what’s the point? Have the American people had enough of this liberal anti American BULLSHIT, hopefuly so? The election to determine the path moving forward is in less than 6 months and if those who aren’t convinced how crucial the November 5th 2024 election is by then, they’re clueless and brain dead. Wake up America, it’s later than you think. Got a question for you out there: do you want to live in communist china, russia or one of the other socialist utopias out there? If so good riddance and don’t forget to renounce your US citizenship and turn in your US passport at the airport, you won’t be missed and you’ll eventually be among other like thinking comrades in any of the great utopian CRAPHOLES, poor and struggling. BTW: the door to get back into the UDA has slammed shut, you’re not welcome back


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