Crowd Gasps as Kamala Harris Proves She Doesn’t Know How Inflation Works



She is extremely cringe.

Well she has always been a joke.. Those who voted for her should be ashamed and please don’t do that again.


  1. The poster girl for Affirmative Action, dumb, unqualified and black.

    The way the Leftists in the Democratic Party want it. They will get us all killed with idiots making decisions for the American People.

    Making someone and airline pilot based on color not expertise and experience.


  2. They are all FREAKS and WEIRDOS !!!
    Just look at the DUMBASSCRATS party. Look at the way most of them look. They like being the part. Whoever votes for this STUPID garbage ought to be WHIPPED!!!!!


  3. Cackling Kammy is as dumb as a rock. She doesn’t know much about anything. There she goes again, burping about clean “green” energy. We need AFFORDABLE energy. Dopey Joe’s so-called “inflation reduction act” increased inflation. Apparently, cackling Kammy thinks the US govt can continue printing money with careless abandon. No country has successfully printed its way out of debt. We have a $35 trillion deficit. Our govt can’t even stop the deficit from rising.

    • Totally agree. I don’t think she has a clue how to rectify anything about the downhill path she and Biden has put the US on. She was right along side Biden all the way. Also regarding her future – My opinion is that she thought she was endorsing someone as her VP that would have much more knowledge than she has, AND has a good reputation and can speak well. Boy oh boy is she BIG TIME WRONG. Can’t wait to see Trump put her in her place and also Vance doing the same to Waltz.

  4. It is so easy to criticize others and ye we cannot see our own fault or maybe it takes one to know one. IF WE ARE stupid, it is easy to identify those qualities because we can identify with the stupid ones. NO BOBY CAN RISE to be a president or even lead a small group if one is stupid unless we are leading the blind like us. MAY OUR GOOD LORD remind us that humility and forgiveness go a long way.

    • We are not all blind, but unfortunately there are enough who are to get someone like this elected. As for the forgiveness that you refer to, repentance must come first. Last time I checked, this evil woman has not repented for her sins, not the least of which is her total support of abortion. If you choose to forgive someone who is actively engaged in taking innocent lives, so be it. Apparently, your God and mine are not the same.

    • With all due respect Isabel – many many many people that do horrific things, unlawful, sinful, and downright evil, are very intelligent. (i.e. Hitler, Hassine, bogus religious sects) They just don’t use their intelligence for the good God created us for. That doesn’t mean that god-fearing people should remain compliant and condone their behavior. Some people may not communicate their objections to people that are directing the demise of the USA in a verbally respectful way but need to be cut some slack. Yes, God is in charge all the way but he wants his people to be conscious of the “wolves in sheeps clothing”.

  5. It is not just the fact that she doesn’t understand what causes inflation but she can’t even form the words into sentences to try and explain her perceived point of view.

  6. Two fascist imbeciles, zero scholarship, morally, philosophically, intellectually bankrupt, who want to “think” and compel us to act against our own best interests. What could go wrong?

  7. I’m thinking that Kamala realizes she isn’t qualified to be a VP and she thought by endorsing Waltz, he would fill in the gaps. Big mistake. Also how can someone support abortions up until birth??? – that sends up a humongous red flag right there. These women who chant “my body, my choice” – NO, our bodies are the ‘temple of the Lord”- think about that!


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