If any of these illegals think they will have an easy road once they get to the United States, Biden has other plans for these people. Sure right now he is shelling out money making them comfortable but it won’t go on. He will use and abuse them just like he has the black communities. These illegals will be sorry they came here under false pretenses. Biden is a savage man who will never be trusted by anyone. His agenda is to destroy America and destroy our democracy. Biden is a criminal who should be in prison. He’s in bed with our enemies and he should not be allowed to make decisions about our lives. Anyone believing in Biden is clueless and should be ashamed to follow such a corrupt man. You can see from the time he came in office to now what a fool he is, siding with our enemies, giving our money away like it was his money. He thinks he’s untouchable, maybe for this moment but something will change and he will be punished. The people of this country are suffering, some more than others but we all don’t deserve this. The love for this country will prevail.
On my first comment I mentioned just the black communities, there are Latinos and many other ethnic communities who are being abused by this jackass Biden. We should all get together and run this jackass in the ground.
What I would like to see Trump do when he gets elected is hire thousands of ICE agents and get every illegal rounded up and sent back (including DACA). These illegals bring in crime and diseases and take jobs from Americans (we can give welfare people jobs, and maybe kids could get jobs after school or for the summer, instead of watching their phone).
Only socialists think everyone is as stupid as they are, the script readers at CNN think everyone wants the USA destroyed!
If any of these illegals think they will have an easy road once they get to the United States, Biden has other plans for these people. Sure right now he is shelling out money making them comfortable but it won’t go on. He will use and abuse them just like he has the black communities. These illegals will be sorry they came here under false pretenses. Biden is a savage man who will never be trusted by anyone. His agenda is to destroy America and destroy our democracy. Biden is a criminal who should be in prison. He’s in bed with our enemies and he should not be allowed to make decisions about our lives. Anyone believing in Biden is clueless and should be ashamed to follow such a corrupt man. You can see from the time he came in office to now what a fool he is, siding with our enemies, giving our money away like it was his money. He thinks he’s untouchable, maybe for this moment but something will change and he will be punished. The people of this country are suffering, some more than others but we all don’t deserve this. The love for this country will prevail.
Spot on!!!
On my first comment I mentioned just the black communities, there are Latinos and many other ethnic communities who are being abused by this jackass Biden. We should all get together and run this jackass in the ground.
OPEN FIRE! OPEN FIRE! OPEN FIRE! W T F are you doing with firearms if you’re NOT GOING TO USE THEM?! THIS IS WHY YOU’RE ARMED!
What I would like to see Trump do when he gets elected is hire thousands of ICE agents and get every illegal rounded up and sent back (including DACA). These illegals bring in crime and diseases and take jobs from Americans (we can give welfare people jobs, and maybe kids could get jobs after school or for the summer, instead of watching their phone).