BREAKING: Biden’s Handlers say Joe Biden will NOT DROP OUT of the Presidential race!



After Jill helped Joe off the stage, she was talking to Joe like a child at the after party like he hit a home run. “You answered every question Joe!” as he stood there with resting Zombie face. She’s a disgrace.

Technically, Joe has already mentally dropped out whether they like it or not


    • DONNA MILLER, I actually agree with you. My reason being, if too little too late Biden drops out Newsom, the dictator that calls himself governor of California would take his place and that would be a whole new disaster.

  1. many never did see, or still don’t see what Jim Jones was, followed him to the Woke Broke Bitter end. Liberal kool-aid, soon to be free for all socialist, before convention in the Gun Free Zone of Chicago.

  2. joey bidee and camel faced heels up harris are the best thing the Republicans have for guaranteeing a landslide victory in November. On one hand it’s sad to see this old man being made a fool of on national television and being treated like a patsy by the liberals and in the end thrown out like trash when they’re finished with him. And as for me I say, bring on the next debate and Trump will mop up the floor with joey. This will accomplish two things: 1) Guarantee a Republican landslide although lots of voters don’t like Trump but the alternate is absolutely unacceptable moving forwards. 2) Prove the liberals are all about keeping power and will do anything and everything to achieve their goal and don’t give a rats TUKUS about America of the American people The American people’re tired of being played for fools and treated like walking ATM’s for higher and higher costs of living and taxes, not to mention having to pay more for necessities like food and fuel and the biggest outrage as if this BULLS**T wasn’t enough, more and more illegals are storming the southern border and being treated better than US citizens. Have I said enough to convince people what needs to be done? Really this isn’t rocket science requiring the genius of Einstein or a grad degree from Stanford, UCLA, MIT or Harvard but plain old common sense, something lacking today in many people.


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