they love ya, till you leave the plantation. Then “they” (socialist) become all tolerant, inclusive, equitable? NOT ! don’t disgrace YOUR race, I’ll take care of mine. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo (Dept. of JUST US, FIBbers, CIA, IRS, DOE). $23 trillion, wasted trying to make savages, equal to others? IT will NEVER work (key word here is “work”)
I love this man, and can’t stand that other racist, bias, jackass, pushing his buttons.
they love ya, till you leave the plantation. Then “they” (socialist) become all tolerant, inclusive, equitable? NOT ! don’t disgrace YOUR race, I’ll take care of mine. Defund the unGREATful SOCIETY and the Gestapo (Dept. of JUST US, FIBbers, CIA, IRS, DOE). $23 trillion, wasted trying to make savages, equal to others? IT will NEVER work (key word here is “work”)