This sure makes the case for open school enrollment. Bill Clinton said it would kill the public school system. The Public school system is killing the children’s education. So, kill the public school system
Trump wants to close or fix Public Education. Amazingly, with all the money poured into the Education System year after year. Students are still falling behind in basic Reading, Writing, Math. I think the School Boards use that money for their raises, and fixing their lavish offices. Like most companies are given a certain amount every year for improvements. If they do not spend it, they lose it the following year. Maybe more tutors. I believe the classrooms have gotten more students. The lockdowns put some students that were already struggling, even farther behind. Politicians and bureaucrats that did this, should explain this to the American people. Get fined for misleading the public. Dr. Fauci, WHO, CDC, and Big PHARMA got rich, while kids and parents got pushed aside. Then the Public School System entered the Woke, DEI, CRT disaster. So rather than learning basics, they were alienated. Hopefully someone gets held for their bad decisions. The same ones that blame everyone else, would be a start.
That TEACHER needs to STOP pushing his AGENDAS.
Let the Kids do some HONEST RESEARCH and STOP all these FEAR MONGERS.
That young man will go far in his life.
how did this teacher get hired.
the teacher should a student.
the teacher should be a student
This sure makes the case for open school enrollment. Bill Clinton said it would kill the public school system. The Public school system is killing the children’s education. So, kill the public school system
Trump wants to close or fix Public Education. Amazingly, with all the money poured into the Education System year after year. Students are still falling behind in basic Reading, Writing, Math. I think the School Boards use that money for their raises, and fixing their lavish offices. Like most companies are given a certain amount every year for improvements. If they do not spend it, they lose it the following year. Maybe more tutors. I believe the classrooms have gotten more students. The lockdowns put some students that were already struggling, even farther behind. Politicians and bureaucrats that did this, should explain this to the American people. Get fined for misleading the public. Dr. Fauci, WHO, CDC, and Big PHARMA got rich, while kids and parents got pushed aside. Then the Public School System entered the Woke, DEI, CRT disaster. So rather than learning basics, they were alienated. Hopefully someone gets held for their bad decisions. The same ones that blame everyone else, would be a start.