BIZARRO! CNN Guest ADMITS Democrats and Biden were LYING!



Plot twist: That guy is a MAGA undercover working at CNN.

That guy is a real journalist, he will be fired soon.


  1. That is all the DEMONrats have ever done is LIE! They lie, gaslight, and think we believe them! They think we are stupid, useless eaters that they have to control! They hate America and our people. They want to destroy our country, according to the Obama agenda, which is the Saul Alinsky agenda. Obama was in cahoots with him when he was at Columbia college . Word is he was being groomed by Brezinsky and others to be the leader of the new world order, which they are trying to do now! Obama is NOT the good guy! He is the skunk in the woodpile! He hates America. And our people! But he will lie, gaslight, and try to make everyone believe he is a patriot. He is extremely racist, so is “ big Mike”, his tranny wife! Disgusting people! They hate us, but will take our money to pay for their extravagant lifestyle! If you sre sick of the Obama agenda, vote MAGA all the way!

  2. LET us a BE little decent with our posts. We are supposedly educated and cultured adults and yet we write posts that are disgusting and unbelievable to come out from supposedly sound minded people. We have gone down to trashy and labels for people. OUR HATRED IS A REFLECTION OF OUR OWN HATRED TOWARDS OURSELVES. If you do not prefer anyone, please refrain from hypercritical comments. IF YOU ARE A MOTHER OR A FATHER, are these words appropriate to be learned by your children? Let us subdue our hatred by praying or thinking positive thoughts for others. I KNOW your names are not real but you know who you are.


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