Bill Maher HUMILIATES CNN Anchor Anderson Cooper | Watch Before It’s DELETED



Trump/Vance 2024 stop the insanity.

Let’s talk about a bummer’s birth certificate.


  1. Mar only sees one side. Where we are not looking beyond the surface
    there is a much deeper rot on the left that needs to be exposed
    everything the accuse Trump of doing the left has been doing since 2001

    • I totally agree. Maher would never acknowledge the tremendous amount of polarization that occurred under the Obama administration, but he’s quick to identify Fox News and Trump as the sole culprits. No one on the right should ever trust this man – his true leftist leanings are thinly veiled, and given the chance, he’ll attack the right at every opportunity while presenting himself as a “centrist”.

  2. We are feeding the hatred of others with some of our journalists. Time for us to be forgiving and accept people’s views, if not acceptable, be kinder with our remarks.We have lost our Christian value of forgiveness.

    • There are certain views (such as abortion) that, as a Christian, are not acceptable without completely compromising our faith. If you choose to do so, that’s on you, but be aware that God sees all. I should also point out that, while the Bible does indeed demand forgiveness, the prerequisite is repentance. We are under no obligation to forgive those sinners who don’t repent, and doing so makes their further sins that much more likely. Christians today are acting like bullied children who have been beaten one too many times, and are willing to do anything to keep the peace. This is why the world no longer respects us. Our faith demands that we bow to no man, yet we’re constantly bowing under the guise of “forgiveness”. While this is indeed pleasing to our fellow man, it is most certainly not pleasing to God.

  3. Can you imagine if Maher had said that Obama was a descendant of a Gorilla??? The Democrats would have been destroying Maher….. Hypocrites….

    • Maher knows who the “safe” targets are. He walks softly with everyone else, despite attempting to appear “politically incorrect”. Don’t expect anything too risky from him – he craves popularity and lacks the intestinal fortitude to go against the grain. This is the guy who can’t host his own interviews without being half-stoned. Why should we value his opinion above anyone else?

  4. Maher is clearly still a liberal at heart. I have never liked nor trusted him, despite his recent criticism of the democrats. He is right about one thing, however. The polarization in America isn’t just political in nature, but is more about a difference in our world views. Specifically, it is about our religious – and non-religious – beliefs. As such, there can be NO reconciliation. In particular, Christians cannot be expected to forgo their beliefs in order to appease those who don’t share them. No one goes to a Muslim country and expects them to abandon their faith in order to make life more comfortable for non-Muslims. And no one goes to Israel and demands that they tone down their religious rhetoric to appease non-Jews. Yet that’s exactly what has happened in every white Christian nation in Europe and North America. Christians have been on the receiving end of hatred from every direction, with their values attacked repeatedly. Maher himself loves to make sarcastic comments regarding Christianity at every available opportunity, so his claim that he’s “tired of the hatred” rings quite hollow. Of course, his answer is that we should all become atheists like him. No thanks, Bill. You’re the last person on earth that i would choose to pattern my life after.


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