BIG WIN: Mark Zuckerberg DITCHES Democrats—SHOCKING Letter EXPOSES Biden’s Dark Plan to Rig Election



Not bravery, just jumping to the winning side like rats typically do.

He’s just trying to save his own butt. I don’t trust him.


  1. Too little, too late, certainly too late to fix the 2020 Election Theft. It’s easy to feel played. Who engages in treason, and then tries to expose it 4 years later, and why? None of these folks can be trusted.

  2. America would be a lot different today if he had just said no. We all know the election was stolen in 2020. what a horrible thing they did to this country It was proven to be stolen with the help of China and our republicans Started with the virus from China which was not an accident. They wanted Trump out also. Then shutting down the country cost so many people their jobs. Should never have happened. They undid every single thing Donald Trump had done. Then Pelosi did so much harm to America with her lies. Trying to blame Trump for jan 6 when it was all planned by her. Sent people to jail that did nothing. She could and should have called the NATIONAL GUARD. But she didn’t She wanted people killed etc. she is a witch and must by voted out. She is 84 yrs. old now. She must go.

  3. I do not trust that little creep! He jumped sides just to save his own ass. He is still a DEMONrat! He put up drop boxes in key states, donated tons of money to biden’s campaign, censored all posts about covid and hunter’s lap top! Who, in their right mind would trust him now? What is in it for him to send that letter? He is lying about all of it.

  4. Lois, I agree with you 100%. The 2020 election was stolen, so dopey ol’ Joe could turn America into a third world cesspool. I doubt if our country can recover from the damage he did. Either we take our country back and elect Trump, or we become a northern version of Venezuela. If that happens, illegal migrants won’t invade America anymore.


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