Biden’s BRAIN BREAKS during latest Interview

Biden’s BRAIN BREAKS during latest Interview


OK to break the law for student loan forgiveness, but not to secure the border?

I’m so sick of his lies and thinking all of the American people are stupid.


  1. YOU will be treated as insignificant & irrelevant until YOU can prove otherwise. 6000 years of humans on the earth, the last 40-50 years, the men have all been emasculated? turned into cowards? scared of sissies & perverts in gov’t.? GOD help us

  2. Since Jackass Biden had the power to remove the policy that President Trump put in place to protect and prevent illegals from plowing through our borders now he’s saying he doesn’t have the power to stop it… WHAT? Biden is a disgusting liar and he’s making it look like he is trying to do something about it. This moron is a traitor and should be held responsible and be impeached and also charged with treason. Biden has never been a good, decent person his whole life. He has done many things that should be investigated and he should be charged accordingly like a lot of average people are being punished for. Does he get pass after pass because he’s the president? This is wrong and he should be called out on these many issues. Liberal lefties are so untruthful and expect to get away with everything just because of their party affiliation. The Biden’s are a bunch of liars who don’t care about our country but will do whatever it takes for other countries. Does Biden owe these other countries anything? Some favors he owes to them? The people of this country deserve to know and we demand justice.

  3. For the people who did vote for Biden and are still supporting him you all should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting a corrupt and incompetent administration that is destroying our country and our democracy. What don’t you understand about what is at stake here and why don’t you see he doesn’t care about any of you or us and the country. He wants a One World Order or Reset controlled by Soros so he will have full power over us to take what all of us have worked so hard for. If you all want to give these criminals your money and other possessions go right ahead but I will fight for mine and I’m sure there are others who feel the same. I’m voting to save our country from this evil, corrupt administration, and that’s what the liberal left party is. I want my country back!! God Bless the United States of America. Land of the free, home of the brave.

  4. Biden is just a tool used by Soros and the Rothchilds. These sick people have had this agenda for over 200 years. Watch Europa 1. It will tell you all about who is really running the world. Hint: It’s not the politicians we voted for. You will be thoroughly disgusted by the information. Check for yourselves. Watch the whole documentary. It’s all true.


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