Biden SLAMMED For Claiming Americans Have Money As Economy CRASHES



The problem with communism is you eventually run out of other people’s money.

Biden owes me gas money.


  1. Biden is a pathetic senile Lier he doesn’t even knows what he had for breakfast let alone what is going on in the Country.

  2. He and his elite cronies have stolen so much from the country that they’re immune to the economic pressures felt by “normal” Americans. This is what happens when a career politician, i.e. a man who has never worked a day in his life, gains undeserved power and wealth.

  3. Tim et al.,
    I’m glad to see your catching up on what I’ve been saying for years. But you still miss the big picture. Social Security is not out of money. It was built into the system that all excess money had to be invested. Congress makes the decision on where it goes. For almost 100 years the U.S. has not paid a dime on the multiple loan principle. The biggest holder of U.S debt is the American people by way of loans owed to SS. What is out of money, is the “general” fund (you hear that term a lot, now you know the reason), and one principle payment would bring that fund back into the black.
    This is a snow job, the gov. wants the people to believe, that SS is broke, so they can illegally wipe out the debt. [I must confess, I’m not sure where this originated, maybe the plan has always been there as a safety valve]. By law, SS has to be paid before any other debt.
    Can you imagine how much trillions of cancelled debt would lift the US monetarily? Let’s say, at least half maybe more of the national debt. Look it up, this was at one time common knowledge on the SS web site, it may take some digging now.
    I’ve been right on every single point so far. Test me on this one, you’ll be in for a shock.

  4. Democrats if you think your money is low now, and you’re using credit cards to stay afloat sinking deeper into debt, do what every moron democrat does, vote democrat again, and confirm your insanity
    once again.

  5. Another clueless comment from a clueless President. Wake up people! How far down the tubes are you willing to go before you realize that these Democrats are not good for you or America?


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