Biden SCREAMED OUT of His Hometown After NO ONE Showed For Event! Harlem Streets CHEER Trump



President Trump had more people show up at a Bodega than Brandon did at a planned event. What a clown show this administration is.

I’m a proud member of the LGBFJB community and will be voting TRUMP 2024


    • The same way he did when Joey had the Speech in Arizona back in 2019. Cameras showed 4 cars enter the lot for the speech, but they announced a crowd of thousands. Or his event in Tampa Fl, when he had a drive in like campaign stop, there wasn’t 20 cars in the lot, but the bought and paid for media made it look like there were several hundred there, NOT TRUE. Joey would have campaign stops during 2020 and there wouldn’t be 10 people in the room, but they always made it look like they had several hundred there.

  1. hysterical .. is that where biden told the story , that his uncle was eaten by cannibals .. the look on the faces of the people when he told that gem … priceless .. voting for this guy .. I think NOT

  2. That is how well his plan for everything is working. Pretty bad when you make a complete ass out of yourself with everything you say and everything you do. Biden has put America in the toilet. He is leaving June 13th. Everyone is holding their breath for what comes next. Don’t say it can’t get any worse. We have to TAKE AMERICA BACK.

    • So true, it is not fair to clowns to compare Biden to them Joe.

      Plus he is a pervert who showered with his daughter, and obviously was quite role model to Hunter Biden

  3. Biden’s only supporters are the corrupt Mainstream Media Organizations that deliberately mislead American voters.

    These entities are owned by Chinese $$$$, and influence coverage and the election.

  4. The biden administration( um, that would be the Obama administration) is not a clown show, it is a shit show! Has been from the beginning. Time to remove him from office! GO MAGA!!!!!

  5. He is no good to Us or the world for that matter, he needs to take his lackluster career and stay in his Delaware home and stop wasting taxpayer money.

  6. If this is what America got for 81 million votes, I hate to think what only 1 million would have gotten us. And there are still millions who will vote for this imbecile again.


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