Biden FARTS LOUD at Georgia meeting!!



What’s even more sad and pathetic is the fact that people are still going to vote for this man.



  1. You all that are making such a Big
    Deal of this ,are Rude, Stupid and
    Unbelievable. Can any of you haven’t had this happen to you.
    Has nothing to Do with the Fart
    It’s your twisted minds and a
    Chance to try to Put our President
    Down again. Just because You know Your Candidate is a JOKE
    Don’t try to Put this, Good Man
    The President of the United State Down. Words
    Will never Hurt Him for He has worked for so many years to help
    Our Country. The Other Guy only
    Looks to get more Money and
    Control just because of Greed.
    God Help us all if He really makes it to the Presidency again .
    If anyone out there is looking for
    Liberty Trump is Not The Right

    • ….in honor of your God…The Senile Junta Member…how about you blow it out your ass…eh? We have no need to support an illegitimate person installed into our Presidency.

    • No haven’t had that happen to me. It is ridiculous that America has been reduced to being a punchline because of of this jerk Biden!!! The fact that there still are idiots like you Mary and Linda here defending this situation is beyond comprehension!!!

    • As a die hard Republican I 100% actually agree with you. Yes I to wish they would stop picking on the ‘brain dead’ disabled elderly man.
      Who is at fault for putting this dementia patient on stage? None other than Pres. Obama who is running our country from behind the curtain. He and that sick Piglozie, Sorryos and the sicker sick Hitlary Klintoon.
      Not to worry Mrs. Delaney as Pres. Trump is about to win this next election in a landslide. Under this present Dumbocrat regime our country is about to fall completely apart. Just like Obama wanted it to do.
      Even Carville has come out siding with what I am saying. 1st thing Pres. Trump will do is get these ILLEGAL invaders gone back to their crap hole countries they snuck in from. Thank God.

      • Thank you Thomas for speaking the whole truth. Now we just need enough people in this country to vote in President Trump.

    • Check your stats please, Trump never took any money for being the President. This old Fart can’t remember where he is. He has been in politics for many years getting paid and taking bribes from foreign countries.He salutes an empty stage. He probably shit his pants. What an embarrassment.

    • WOW, Mary Delaney & Linda Marler, now we know how you two voted. You probably wish you were sitting behind him when he let out that presidential toot too, huh! You blinded true blue democrats. What a gas you two are, no pun intended.

    • Sorry dearie , BUT, you fail to read what happened AFTER your dear Prez became President. Keystone Pipeline STOPPED, gas prices sky high. Everything food related went sky high.
      Biden can no longer hold his bowel movements and flatus. He is at that age.
      Dementia is there, so stop whining and look at the facts without hypocrisy.
      I care not for the twisted remarks of most politicians. I would love for someone who had the MORALS of Carter. The Brains of Jefferson, Monroe , and a few others. I don’t want another Carter leadership, Clinton , or LBJ. Especially the hypocrisy of the democrats , blm/antifalbgqtqhatever in GOVERNMENT or schools.

  2. I agree with Mary. First of all show me one person that hadn’t inadvertently farted and I’ll show you a liar. If there is any justice in this country, Trump will be in prison before the election. Heaven help up all if that crook gets in office again.

    • OK Linda, When Trump was president inflation was about 1%. Our border was secure, our national defense was in good shape, people were working and getting by quite easily, our country was secure, our kids were in school learning instead of being indoctrinated and taught to be a bunch of queers instead of just normal. They weren’t being told they should have their sex changed. On the other hand, what do we have now? It’s easier to say what Biden has done for and not to our country. ABsOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! Obviously you’re one of the stupid asses who blindly voted for Biden without looking at his past record.

      • You are correct, Dick. The only “accomplishment” for Joe was to let in all the illegals. This will haunt this country for a long time.

    • Wrong, Linda! Wake up to the fact that Biden is out of his mind.
      And for the kangaroo court that “convicted” Donald Trump, that was a farce! That jury had already made up its mind. I sure hope there are not too many other people whose views are as distorted as yours.

  3. FJB would make a great spokesman for ‘Depends’ adult diapers. I wonder how long it takes his handlers to wrap him up before his public appearances?

  4. Jill should be ashamed of herself to let this go on. Joey has late dementia. Anyone voting for this man must have dementia also. This is not the first time he’s done this and crapping his pants is not a world leader. Wake up Jill the world is laughing at your husband, don’t you have any shame. People you may hate Trump but at least he can lead and not crap in his pants and leaders don’t laugh at him and at least you’ll know who is running the country (with Joe, we have no idea).

    • You are correct. But Jill is an obstinate person who refuses to see Joe for the pathetic person he is.
      Her ex-husband must be grateful he unloaded Jill.

  5. Anyone defending this clown is the problem he has NEVER had any couth. Just a poor excuse of a leader can’t even say excuse me.40 + years in politics NOTHING accomplished but taxing social security and ruining AMERICA.FJB

    • Wrong Bob. I have a credible list of 74 accomplishments that President Trump can claim. And these are not small accomplishments either.


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