AOC & Rachel Maddow PANIC Over Trump Winning Then Throwing Them In JAIL As FAR LEFT RAGES In Europe!



They talk about Trump jailing them while at the same time calling for Trump and his supporters to be jailed as domestic terrorists.

No one plays the victim better than AOC.


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  2. These two toilet turds are just blowing smoke or whatever.

    They KNOW Trump won’t LOCK HER UP, as MUCH as we wish he would.


    • Yep, this is a guilty conscience speaking out. They know what they have been doing and Trump should do it otherwise every Republican in the future will have to deal with this same Bull Shit. Do It, Do It, Do It. These lies need to be punished.

  3. I hope Trump will lock up Pelosi, Garland, AOC, Wray, my-Dorkis, and a host of others. He made a mistake being a nice guy about Hillary. In 2017 he said he would not go after her because, “she’s been through enough”.
    That b**ch was not so magnanimous when it came to Trump. She repaid his kindness with an assault that continues to this day, to crush Trump in any, and every way possible.
    Karma sucks Sandy…….how about serving me another beer?

  4. “ mad cow” Maddow and the “ braying jackass” AOC know they are doing things that they shouldn’t be doing! Maybe they have reason to worry, but they are NOT significant enough to be singled out by Trump! They are small potato’s in the scheme of things. There are much more pressing issues that need to be addressed, NOT them! Their playing the “ victim card” falls flat upon closer examination! Both are ignorant to the nth degree, there isn’t a whole brain between the two of them! The more they say, the more they screw themselves! No one gives a flying damn about them or what they have to say! They are “ fear mongers”, repeating the DEMONrat rhetoric, no one cares! They will get caught up in their own crap, give them enough rope, they will hang themselves! In the mean time, vote OUT all the so called “ squad” members, get some real people in office who will work FOR our country, not against it! They had their chance and screwed it up, now it is time for them to go! We don’t need anti semitic, anti Americans in our congress! Maddow should be cancelled, her show sucks! She isn’t even a good actress, with her “ boo-hoo” about kids in cages! OBAMA started that, NOT Trump! She needs to check her facts, but she won’t. What a waste of humanity those two are! Get a REAL job, and see how wrong you are! GO MAGA!!!!!!!!

  5. Jail? A far better punishment for these two would be to sentence them to obscurity – never to be heard in public again. That is cruel punishment for a self-serving, ego-driven narcissist!


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