so wheres the outrage about Hillary trying to Restart the relationship with Russia.. Remember the big red button she produced.. No one ever talks about that They were tight with Russia.. And that woman didn’t look up that info or write that little speech.. Biden and harris were both on the cover of Time.. They like to overlook certain bits on info that doesn’t fit.. No one watches the View for the info.. They watch it to see who’s gonna make the biggest fool of themselves today
so wheres the outrage about Hillary trying to Restart the relationship with Russia.. Remember the big red button she produced.. No one ever talks about that They were tight with Russia.. And that woman didn’t look up that info or write that little speech.. Biden and harris were both on the cover of Time.. They like to overlook certain bits on info that doesn’t fit.. No one watches the View for the info.. They watch it to see who’s gonna make the biggest fool of themselves today