Adam Schiff Just Proved Why America No Longer Trusts Him—With MELTDOWN on CNN



For Democrats, accusations are confessions.

Adam Schiff???? please give me a break! The stench of Demoncratic corruption!


  1. Google paid between $16,000 and $32,000 per month for all online work from home. sd The youngest brother has been unemployed for three months and a month ago his pocket money was $324,750 and he was working four hours a day from home. He won even more…So

    I started…… Click On My Name Getapp1

  2. Can we more decent in using printed words inappropriate words to describe others? Guess we have lost our value of one of the ten commandments LOVE THY NEIGHBORS. No wonder our young generation have learned fast in calling others with inappropriate names or nicknames. We are behaving like mobs in a civilized world. We need to be more respectful for others otherwise what we do now is a reflection of our shortcoming with interpersonal relationships. No wonder we are raising young people to be hateful and worst become criminals. We need to invoke God’s enlightenment on how to behave as educated adults to be role models to our younger generation.

    • Isabel, The kind of “people” (if you want to call them that) are not normal. They believe in destroying a great country, our great country of the USA. We can be civil but they don’t deserve that privilege because of their behavior towards others. If your preference is to forgive others who would watch you bleed out on a sidewalk then by all means forgive. Many good people would rather not.

  3. Love, Love,Love – They called them Hippies back in the day. Try reading some Dr.King instead of that Benswammi crap. “It is not the many that destroy our country thats the problem. It is the few who stand by and do nothing!!”
    Go back to California and rejoin your commune of peace lovers. As our nation dies! It is people like you that let evil run rampant!
    “Can’t we all just get along”
    HELL No! While they cut and destroy our children, spit on the graves of those who died so you can preach your Guru crap, try to kill 15% of mankind, because the rich elite say so!!! YOU are the problem!!!

  4. I am sorry Dr. King – “It is not the few who destroy it is the many who sit by and do nothing!” I miss-quoted him. A great man. Who had a great mind, preached Gods word and DIDNOT sit idley bu and preach love, love, its all about love!!

  5. I wish everyone would stop knocking Biden because of his age;. We should be saying, we cannot have him be our Commander in Chief for 4 more years because he is not well, certainly not be in charge of our Country. All other country’s realize this why not say it. Look what condition we are in now after 1 term, if we were to have to go thru this again, adding on the last 4 yrs, oh I can’t think about that. God Bless us all.


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