Actor Gets DESTROYED For INSANE TWEET About Trump Incident – Hollywood is INSANE!



Definitely a C class actor .. another pitiful Liar

A man died and these pathetic people call the incident a hoax.


  1. To say that President Trump faked or staged being shot is absurd and the left has no respect or empathy whatsoever for anyone who was shot but survived by the grace of God president Trump was saved. The leftist democrats are such liars and cheaters they can’t stand it when they are caught in a vicious lie and they tell these fake made up stories to distract from the real truth. For decades democrats have been trying and succeeding in their efforts to keep the country in control but their secrets are leaking out and their lies have become out in the public eye so everyone knows what kind of deceitful people they are. Thanks to President Trump for exposing the corruption of the government and the media to all of us. We wouldn’t have known if Killary Clinton became president. We are blessed to have such a great, intelligent, patriotic commander in chief as President Trump is. With God’s blessings President Trump will be in our White House again!! MAGA 2024!!!

    • So it these idiots think this is staged, why not them doing the following. Setup a building and stage just like the one in PA. Then have a Professional shooter shot at a ping pong ball taped to there head. ANY TAKERS?

  2. What less to expect from globalists and their globalist puppet; demonrat criminal party, rino criminal party, criminal media, altar boy raping demonrat priests,demonrat voters and all their CRIMINAL organizations . . . . .

  3. F globalists and their globalist puppet, god worshiping, rino criminal parety pence ! globalist puppet, god worshiping, rino criminal party pence probably enjoys little boys like globalist puppets; schitt and schumer and nadler and buttplugieg and their altar boy raping demonrat priests etc .

  4. They are desperate. Their standard bearer is approaching dementia, and his vice is long past competence. So they choose to crash and burn rather than face reality!!!

    • If you lok over the VP’s past rcord you will see she was NEVER competent! She’s been a dupe of whatever and whoever would support her! It’s amazing to me that she EVER became a senator!!! This is quite evident with her loss of VP team! WHO loses 90+% of their staff in such a short amount of time??!!

  5. these are dangerous times. the demrats will try everything to keep our party (R) from power. we see what has already happened, and i’m waitng til the truth is told about the murderer? who was behind him. Never in my 87 years has the democrats, stooped so low. My grandfather would flip over in his grave, if he could see what his party (D) has become. Definitely not made up with God fearing loving people like back in the fortys and fiftys. He was serious about his party with presidents roosevelt back then. He would fight you if you said something about his politics. YES, he would flip in his grave right now, if he was aware of the socialist and communist that are taking over the party. Don’t worry my faithful loving American family, we will take back our country come november. I never gave 28 years of my life serving this country to keep freedom and liberty for my and your kids, President Trump is only a few days coming and we have already heard what is in store on DAY 1… keep the faith, love your family, and worship our Lord, the next 100 days there will be turmoil i’m afraid in the streets trying to keep the republicans out of the white house…God Bless, and SEMPER FI…

  6. Since I haven’t been to a movie theater since the 1990s, I don’t know any of these people. Guess I’m not missing anything. This “ actor “ must not be working too much and needs to stay relevant, at least to himself.

  7. The mass of Democrats are so ingrained into acceptance of far left progressive Marxist propaganda they put on blindfolds to prevent
    seeing the world around them, ear plugs to prevent hearing any dissent, and gags to prevent asking any questions. Like automatons they only follow what the chip directs. We have seen wars, inflation, crimes, tons of deadly drugs killing our youngest, and massive unvetted invasions from around the world, and hundreds $billions of tax funds taken from our needy citizens to support them in schools, housing, medical, and food.


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