The climate changes daily. Its called weather.It seems worse, but its because people live in areas that weren’t populated before. More population
As far as the forest fires go, hire crews to clean up the forest floors. Keep homeless camps out of the forests. Most forest are started by humans.
When winter cold or summer heat arrives, it should be amusing to hear people speak of a change in the climate. It is not amusing when one thinks that people actually believe there is a climate change when it is only a change in the weather. As Jay Leno said one night after all the discussion about global warming, “Hello, it’s July!” Similarly, when the cold hits next week, remember it is January.
Tornadoes will never hit category 6 hurricanes will never be category 6 hurricanes Tornadoes bad weather is the same stupid people with no brain believe climate change religion that is what it is just a religion
At one of my organic farms in the early 1990s, the weather in August was three weeks of 110 degrees plus, and often at 115 degrees F, and it did not cool down to 100 degrees until midnight. Working outside, which is necessary on a farm, was difficult. Very few Americans have much of a life that includes farming. To Americans, shopping is their primary occupation for survival, and now they can have others do their shopping and/or make deliveries directly to their homes. Most Americans are entirely disconnected from a life that includes survival. How many grow their own food? How many even know how to put out fires or do brush clean up? How many can sew their own clothes? The super rich don’t even think about the poor. Callous indifference and toxic narcissism is universal.
The global warming advocates, an offshoot of environmentalists, who became the Climate Change advocates, have always been 100% motivated by greed. Their theatrics met doom with the likes of Greta, an ignorant and unskilled child actress who scorned presidents and UN delegates. Need we mention George Soros. Had these so-called advocates ever mentioned toxic pollution, toxic chemicals, the need to plant trees and reduce plastics, we might have bothered to listen.
The climate changes daily. Its called weather.It seems worse, but its because people live in areas that weren’t populated before. More population
As far as the forest fires go, hire crews to clean up the forest floors. Keep homeless camps out of the forests. Most forest are started by humans.
When winter cold or summer heat arrives, it should be amusing to hear people speak of a change in the climate. It is not amusing when one thinks that people actually believe there is a climate change when it is only a change in the weather. As Jay Leno said one night after all the discussion about global warming, “Hello, it’s July!” Similarly, when the cold hits next week, remember it is January.
Tornadoes will never hit category 6 hurricanes will never be category 6 hurricanes Tornadoes bad weather is the same stupid people with no brain believe climate change religion that is what it is just a religion
At one of my organic farms in the early 1990s, the weather in August was three weeks of 110 degrees plus, and often at 115 degrees F, and it did not cool down to 100 degrees until midnight. Working outside, which is necessary on a farm, was difficult. Very few Americans have much of a life that includes farming. To Americans, shopping is their primary occupation for survival, and now they can have others do their shopping and/or make deliveries directly to their homes. Most Americans are entirely disconnected from a life that includes survival. How many grow their own food? How many even know how to put out fires or do brush clean up? How many can sew their own clothes? The super rich don’t even think about the poor. Callous indifference and toxic narcissism is universal.
The global warming advocates, an offshoot of environmentalists, who became the Climate Change advocates, have always been 100% motivated by greed. Their theatrics met doom with the likes of Greta, an ignorant and unskilled child actress who scorned presidents and UN delegates. Need we mention George Soros. Had these so-called advocates ever mentioned toxic pollution, toxic chemicals, the need to plant trees and reduce plastics, we might have bothered to listen.