The narrative is so engrained in the Party, that they believe it. Almost like a criminal. They actually believe what they say and do, is right. The deceit of the devil. That is why immediately Repent. Confess your sins in Jesus Name. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. Otherwise you are lost, and cannot enter Heaven. You cannot understand. Example; You say you can work, doing a particular job. Ok. But unless you apply, get hired, and start working. It’s just talk.
The narrative is so engrained in the Party, that they believe it. Almost like a criminal. They actually believe what they say and do, is right. The deceit of the devil. That is why immediately Repent. Confess your sins in Jesus Name. Then God gives you the Holy Spirit for understanding. Otherwise you are lost, and cannot enter Heaven. You cannot understand. Example; You say you can work, doing a particular job. Ok. But unless you apply, get hired, and start working. It’s just talk.