Listen to the Despair in AOC’s Voice As She Finally Admits This



She wants to investigate, audit, and shut them down.

Hey, AOC… I wanna know, how you’ve become a multimillionaire on your salary?


  1. I truly believe the same thing. People are looking into their hearts and realizing who is really lying. Who was a paid sellout. The Dems and the celebrities that were paid off are disgusting in my eyes. Trump may not be your favorite person but he isn’t a fake. He isn’t using his position to make himself wealthy. Quite the opposite. He has lost millions to fight this battle, so has Musk. Where do these dems come up with millions while in office. Disgusting Villains all!

  2. Do not vote for these people. Everything that comes out of their mouth is negative. America last, Trump and MAGA are a threat to Democracy. Take away free speech. Law abiding citizens are a threat instead of criminals. Which they bail out of jail. Capitalism is a threat. When anyone that does half a research project knows that Socialism, Marxism, and Communism destroys freedoms and societies. Even the lie that Trump will cut taxes to billionaires. Well. Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Soros, Gates, and others are billionaires and elites. They have stolen years of people’s money. From excessive inflation, to pushing radical policies into colleges and schools. And, our society. Forced masks and vaccines. Including younger than five years old. Justice System targeting Conservatives, Republicans, and others for disagreeing with Biden/Harris policies. Calling that misinformation. Verbally, and going to the residents of Court Justices. Destroying the Energy Sector. Draining our reserve fuel. Trying to push EV’s. Allowing millions of people through an open border policy. Reckless. Lying about Trump one thing after another. When Biden is the one that is lying and incompetent


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