Purple-Haired Transgender Person VS Man Who’s Had Enough!



Everything “Woke” turns to shit!!!

WHO CARES about your pronouns….


  1. That ‘it’ wants to be called a ‘she’?? If it’s talking about religious rights….why can’t you be what God made you?? You don’t belong in a girls restrooms, locker rooms, etc. That need a special bathroom for ‘freaks of nature’.

    • Long, purple half-hair in no way makes “it” look anywhere close to a female at all. I totally don’t understand what their purpose is in society? They are screwing with God’s creations which will not go over well on their day of reckoning.

  2. The entire debate can be solved with a simple DNA test. Chromosomes don’t lie regarding which gender you were born, and they can NEVER be altered. It doesn’t matter how you “identify”, or whether your feelings get hurt. If you were born a male, you must use the men’s facilities, and if you were born a female, you must use the women’s facilities, PERIOD. This is the only acceptable solution for those who truly “follow the science”. Everything else is delusional psychobabble which has no place in the laws of a free society. If, as Americans, we can’t reach an agreement on what reality is, our country is absolutely doomed. Those who have long planned our downfall are the ones who have indoctrinated our youth with this delusional insanity. They are also the ones who have successfully removed God from society, which makes all the rest of their evil plans not only possible, but very easy to implement.

  3. Crazy people who are not what they want to be need to get over it. You have lost touch with reality and it should NOT be tolerated. Forget all the stupid pronouns. You are a WANNABE. You are pretending to be something you just are not. God blew up Sodom and Gomorrah. I’m just saying………

  4. I guess what I don’t understand is why parents aren’t just puling their kids out of these filthy sewers called “public schools”. No power on earth could ever allow me to subject a kid to the kind of vile perversion being crammed down their throats today.


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