Trump Makes Triumphant Return to Elon Musk’s X | First Post BREAKS Internet | ‘HE’S BACK!’



I pray every night for President Trump to stay safe and return to the White House.

I’m praying that Donald Trump gets in the White House


  1. Our only chance to save America is to vote Donald Trump. The four years with Trump was the best years for all Americans. He made promises and kept every single promise. We had oil production enough to provide for other countries. We had low cost of groceries and just about everything. America was so much safer. Our police kept us safe. The drugs were not as bad as now. Schools were so much better under Trump. We never heard of WOKE and thank God for that. Boys were content to be boys and Girls like being girls. The democratic party has lost their minds. Obama who is running the country said he was running on CHANGE. and he has done just that. He does not need 4th term folks. Joe Bidon is nothing but a criminal and he hasn’t been President anyhow. Obama has. They are all such liars all of them. This election is possibly the only chance we will have to take America back. And drain the swamp. When the democrats care nothing about you why should you keep electing them. I am a democrat that left several years ago because i saw what they were doing. Trump is our only hope of bringing this country back. Thank God for saving his life and with Gods help, He will win the election again and save America

  2. I so agree with every word you said thank you for putting that into the words that so many people need to hear God bless President Trump and bring him back to the USA and the White House💕💕🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


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