Kamala Harris BLAMES TRUMP As GLOBAL Stock Market CRASHES After DISASTEROUS Jobs Report!



Three and a half years in office and the current administration is still blaming Trump. Seriously ? Trump 2024 !

But Trump is not the president or vice president. This woman is beyond pathetic.


  1. Houston we have a problem!

    Kamala and Joe B have not even recognized that they are in office and therefore the American Public holds them responsible!

  2. Dopey Joe and cackling Kammy are still blaming Trump? Incredible. I guess they forgot Trump has been out of office for nearly 4 years. The buck doesn’t stop at dopey Joe. No sir. It’s always someone else’s fault. It’s Trump’s fault, it’s the Republican’s fault. It’s time for dopey Joe and cackling Kammy to own up for their own failures, screwups, and brain-dead policies.

  3. Leave it up to the laughing Hyena…..totally pathetic!!!! Still blaming
    Trump after they reversed his policies and have had 4 yrs of theirs….
    DUH….DUH….get over it the country is moving on, meaning back to
    Trump!!!! Enough already…..to late to go back to what was working.
    You had your chance all your hype is falling on deaf ears. Can’t change
    your stripes …..and keep fooling the American people to give you 4
    more….gotta be kidding !!!!! Just pick up your marbles and go home
    Take up a hobby……not politics please!!!!

  4. Yep every thing that they do wrong is Pres Trumps fault That is the dems way cheat ,still and lie But the bad part is there sheep keep believing them like the good sheep they are

  5. Seems I remember Kamala and Joe both praising Bidenomics and the Stock market. Which is it guys ? It’s Trumps fault when something goes wrong but Kamala cackles with glee when it’s good. Don’t worry Democrates we with brains know the truth.

  6. I see she is picking old men for her vice President. Poor guys have no idea what they are getting into. She loves the older men for sure. She couldn’t keep her hands off Joe Bidon, And he loved every minute of it too.


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