Trump BREAKS Internet With Hysterical New Ad TORCHING Kamala After Biden QUITS in Disgrace! Genius



“Hey Joe sign this pardon for hunter”

Jill is probably losing her mind!!!!!


  1. Due to the lack of coverage for President Trump this had to be planned. The head of the Secret Service MUST resign!!! the investigation must get to the total bottom of this – why were there no drones? Secret Service knew days before the attack that the shooter was a threat… why did the Secret Service send actual agents to JILL BIDEN instead of President Trump???? so many questions!! Had to be planned. This was a disgrace and I am so thankful President Trump turned his head!! He was saved by the grace of God!!!!

    • First of all, in case you have been in a coma for the last 3 and a half, trump is not president. Secondly, I do believe it was staged but by trump. All this about President Biden setting it up is ridiculous because he would have hired someone who could hit the broad side of a barn. Now trump is boo hooing about his life almost lost.

  2. Why can’t Trump shut up? He has nothing to win or lose from his miserable taunts. Act Presidential Donald, and you might get more votes!!!

  3. If one looks at the status of everything in California (economy, security, etc.) and you will see the blue.print fothe other 49 states. Just remember California when ya all vote this year.

  4. IT IS SO SAD THAT we make unfounded accusations on others and yet we never would like to be accused of acts we never did. Where are our Christian values? Guess most of the posts are written by mothers and fathers or maybe aunts or uncles. Are we acting like good role models to our young ones? Our humane values have gone astray. Calling politicians crooks although there are some, not all or accusing somebody as sleeping with somebody. We should need to check ourselves if we are acting right as adults. MAY THE GOOD HOLY SPIRIT enlighten us and stop making judgements without hard facts.

    • Almost all democrats make poor role models, most are Godless people that have no problem with infanticide, (abortion up to the ninth month), and they also want to remove a parents rights if a child is having difficulty with their gender, a bill was signed in California by Gavin Newscum removing those rights Isabel, their are PLENTY OF HORRIBLE FACTS ABOUT DEMOCRATS, here’s one from the Holy Bible.
      Ecclesiastes 10:1
      The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.


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