FBI identifies Trump assassination attempt suspect



The most obvious roof wasnt covered

1000 drones for fire work shows none for surveillance at a presidential rally???


  1. WTF What the hell, kind of security is this? Secret Service have not even come close to doing their job, FBI, what kind of security do they have, the same, always late after the fact.

    • do both. Hire HLA personnel, instead of DIE. Honest Loyal Americans. To protect a man that CANNOT be bought off (bribed)

  2. IT IS so easy for us to give quick fixes but hard may be on the people concerned. Events like what happened is difficult to anticipate. LET US PRAY that this kind of events will be prevented. PRAYERS ARE VERY EFFECTIVE RATHER than look for people to blame. Just similar to when a person is having a heart attack and the CPR team was not able to revive the patient, THESE health care providers are blamed. We cannot anticipate on what happens to our lives anytime, God is the only Being who gives us the timeline of our lives, so let us keep our faith on our Creator and Redeemer and be forgiving with others, we do commit sins so let us learn to forgive and love others as God loves us. Have a blessed Sunday who ever comes to my post.

    • Needless to say so many, Trump haters that have posted on Social Media, are sickened that this guy did not complete his task. When you have the clown in chief saying Trump needs to be in the bulls eye, what do you think will happen. The media (all liars), the FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security, members in Congress, the court system and judges have wanted Trump eliminated regardless of how. Now, all of the holier than thou powers that be, in and out of government, are so glad Trump is safe, b***s***. God is the only reason our country is not in total chaos today. I shudder to think if he had been murdered what would be taking place in America today. Prayers for President Trump, the families that lost their loved ones, including this young man’s family.

    • PRAY the corrupt are put out of public service, OR the slaves (taxpayers) STOP funding the useless & stupid people in gov’t. RED states need to separate from this evil empire! NOW

  3. Yesterday there was a report ,said a man with a rifle was spotted on the roof top but was ignored ? How could this be? Something does not add up here if this is true!!!! Who dropped the ball ????? Need to know about this!!!

    • another inside job. Never know the history of this man…. he is like a ghost. Story to be dropped in a few days… move along, nothing to see here. DAMN those White Supremacist ! Christian Nationalist


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