Anti-Biden Democrat ADMITS Democrats RIG Their Own Elections As He Stages REVOLT Against Biden!



What bothers me is all of the Democratic voters who don’t care. They will vote for whoever the Party says to vote for.

0:10 FOX should air this scene and call Pelosi a racist for assuming a strong black female journalist does not understand the English language


  1. We have a traitor, president, that needs to be removed, from office, for total incompetence, mentally unfit, joe needs to go, he’s a joke. belongs in a nursing home, not WH.

    • A nursing home? If it’s one of the nursing homes in New York that’s basically a death sentence especially if Andrew Cuomo still has any say so about who gets Covid vaccines. It would be ironic though a democrat governor that thought he was next in line for the presidency offing the current president with the very mandate his own party demanded he use.
      If Biden in the nursing home setting refuses the vaccines Cuomo can always put a young people infected with Covid in the same wing as Biden maybe even one as his roommate just as insurance for good measure because nothing will be done to Cuomo for offing Biden. I mean nothing happened to Cuomo for offing thousands during the pandemic using those same tactics so we know it’s a tried and true method of legally killing people without having to answer for any of those deaths surely one more lame duck presidential candidate want a be won’t raise a roe.

  2. As a nurse that works with dementia I saw the real Joe&Jill at Cornwall G7 in 2021. His decline didn’t just happen over the last year. He was like this in ‘21 and it’s just gotten worse. It’s one of the reasons that Joe’s German Shepherds bite people. I train dogs. Joe’s dogs have a job to do and that’s protect their overgrown toddler lost in the woods. Everyone had to know in 2020 that Joe was losing it but they went ahead anyway.

  3. Biden doesn’t have a chance to win. More and more people are aware of his declining mental situation. Trump 2024, Hispanics for Trump!


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