Reporters TURN On Biden, Accuse Him Of Sleeping During White House Press Briefing



Remember, the media covered this all up for years.

We admit that we have been lying about Biden for 4 years but we are totally true on Trump


  1. The truth, that we have seen for OVER four years, is finally OUT!!!! But do they care? jill biden will kick, scratch, and claw for another four years of power, not caring one iota about that demented old man!!!

  2. When it was announced that Biden won the 2020 election, the first thing I said was no way. And to this day I still have the same answer because there wasn’t any doubt in my mind that the election was rigged, it was stolen from Donald Trump. These imbeciles actually made it obvious that many of the votes for Donald Trump were not even counted and votes for Biden were, as a matter of fact in some counties there were more Biden votes then there were people! Gee, how did that happen? By filling out ballots and sending them to the ballot boxes, this is why they want drop off boxes so they can fill them with votes that were fake. The leftist wrote out ballots using dead people’s names, nursing home workers filling out ballots for the elderly checking off Biden’s name even though they wanted Donald Trump. The lies and deceit go way beyond because the left democrats can’t stand that they were going to lose and the only way they were going to have a chance was to cheat. Elections are never going to be held truthfully if any liberal left has anything to do with it. Now these last 3 1/2 years have been a disaster and our country needs to be saved and the only one that can do this is President Donald Trump. He pulled us out of many situations that Obama got us into, he got our country running optimal. He told other countries what was going to happen he didn’t ask them what was going to happen. That’s the difference between a great commander in chief and a freakin whimp. It’s all money to Biden not what’s right or to protect our country. Biden makes deals with our enemies, President Trump doesn’t.


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