Joe Biden assisted off stage by wife Jill after trainwreck debate against Trump



7 days sequestered, 16 people coaching him, & his performance is a disaster. They have been exposed & can no longer protect him.

Never heard of a sitting President leaving for a week to get ready for a debate.
Cognitive Test for Biden.


  1. It’s all an act and it appears he is going to seize control of everyone’s money. If he freezes the dollar all the flea markets and antique malls will close. He will have control over all money which will be computer monitored. Big banks are involved Barclay’s in London is the main instigator with George Zoros.

  2. A 1 1/2 HOUR DEBATE cannot determine the efficacy of a leader. We are so un Christian that we are easily carried away by lies after lies. MOST OF US base our conviction on the conviction of others. Sure age is determinant but not in all cases. I am retired nurse educator, age 86, worked hard to help 8 nieces and nephews to finish college but at this time, I CAN STILL REMEMBER AND get in touch with my former nursing students over 50 years ago. I STARTED A COLLEGE OF NURSING in l974, still get in touch with my former students. IF WE USE OUR MIND TO profitable venture our mind works well. Above all, if we always pray, God provides us with the wisdom to discriminate between right and wrong.PROBLEM nowadays is that most have abandoned our Christian virtues and values and have been swayed by the work by the devil that is lurking in our environments. I SEE many posts from presumably adults and yet they use rubbish language inappropriate for educated individuals, sound like most use the language of the mobsters and are very much swayed by lies. BECAUSE of the influence of the devil, we cease to distinguish between good and evil. We need to study our conscience and maybe learn the simple truths taught during our catechism days if we did have the opportunity to do so. It is disheartening to see that we have been swayed by so much lies from our candidates and we favor those who can stand with their lies as if the their lies are based on real facts.Time to implore the enlightenment of the HOLY SPIRIT to have the right discernment as adults with education.

  3. Jill Biden wants to have 4 more years as First Lady THAT’S the reason she will push Biden to keep going. For the past 3 1/2 years we had to endure such horrible policies that Biden put in place after removing what President Trump did. Biden is and always has been a vindictive compulsive lying coward to spitefully manipulate any decisions that he didn’t make. All of the us know what the truth is and the truth will always prevail. Biden doesn’t have a truthful bone in his body and he doesn’t care about the people of this country. Power, control and money are his one and only agenda. Biden will strip away anything that doesn’t align with his agenda, you either go along with the program or you’re eliminated.

  4. I was surprised that CNN let the feed out of FJB being helped down the steps after the debate. Somebody will get fired over that slip-up. To me, that was the most telling part of the entire debate. That showed the World that FJB is not in charge of anything. He is just a feeble old man in an empty suit. Who is actually running (ruining) our country? It sure isn’t FJB.

  5. To the comment regarding Jill Biden helping her husband off stage is probably her seeking another four years in the White House. Most likely helping her husband. Don’t think that was her intention. As opposed to having a sexual liaison while you “spouse” is pregnant. Hmm where was Trumps wife?


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