Iconic Hollywood Arby’s CLOSED After 55 YEARS Over California $20 Wage Robbery | ‘It’s Killing Us’



When Trump was in office there was a dollar menu everywhere and gas was $2.00 and now it’s $18 for a Big Mac meal and $7.00 a gallon for gas and Trump had NO wars and closed borders!!

We ( Californian Republicans) need help removing Gavin from Leadership and all his legislative helpers who make these policies and laws. We cannot vote them out when the voting system is corrupt.


  1. Why haven’t the feds investigated what’s going on in California with the blatant voter and election fraud? Realy nobody with half a brain or sane votes for this SHIT or is ok with what’s going on here. There’s no way in hell the clowns in charge here got into office legitimately as there can’t be that many stupid and clueless people who continually vote for higher and higher taxes ( that have gone to nosebleed heights and made the place more and more unaffordable, untenable and unliveable ), enjoy being played for fools all while the former golden state now only golden in the piss and SHIT stinking up and littering the streets, sidewalks and city parks of San Francisco and Los Angeles that have rendered many neighborhoods in many places are biohazards and the place becomes more 3rd world than calcutta, mogadishu, nairobi and port au prince. That said anyone here who continully votes for these liberal or progressive or whatever the hell these do nothing for the voters idiots are calling themselves these days to sound less dangerous need to wake,up get your heads out of tyour asses, see and smell the evidence all around that can’t be ignored. This isn’t rocket science or requires the genius of Einstein, a 4 year grad degree from Stanford, UCLA or MIT, it’s plain common sense, something sorely lacking in the residents here.


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