Bill Maher SHUTS DOWN Host of The View Over Liberal Hypocrisy



Love nerk news…SMASH THAT LIKE!!

The media labels her a ‚conservative, oink oink


  1. This Narrvaro shithead from the View and the other hags should retire to a hog farm where they belong. We are all tired of excuses about how or why they are right about everything. GO AWAY!! WE DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOUR UGLY VOICES OR OPINIONS ANYMORE!!

  2. Charlottesville was NEVER a threat to me and my family & friends. That threat has come from the left, collages, Biden, Ukraine Nazi’s and Muslims. Never in my 70 years have I felt threatened until Obama took office. The it subsided under Trump. But when Biden took office. That threat explored. I can not travel where I use to before Biden took office.
    No one cares. you will when it’s to late

    • We’re still hearing “Charlottesville, Charlottesville,” but not a twit about the Waukesha parade attack. Seems it was in and out of the news in what? a week? The perp killed 6 and injured 62 others who were participating in a Christmas parade. If THAT wasn’t a racist act, I don’t know what is.

  3. So sorry to read these hateful comments. We have stopped to be Christians and behave like mobs or street people. LET US KEEP OUR COMMENTS in a more humane way. What we say is a reflection of who we are.

  4. What the Jews have endured for the past 3000 years is irrelevant to the present situation. The fact is that they have succeeded brilliantly in every field of endeavor, due entirely to their own hard work and dedication, and thus are envied and hated for this success. They have personally contributed more to American achievement in science, law, music, literature, etc. than any other, possibly all other, ethnic groups and should be venerated for their achievements, not villified. Jealousy and envy are, as always, the weakest…..but most dangerous…..of all emotions.


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