Gavin Newsom Humiliated as Law He Pushed Blows Up In His Face



His evil plan worked.

It didn’t blow up in Gavin’s face. He got exactly what he wanted, and he’s laughing his ass off


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  2. 10,000 jobs lost? What good is a $20 minimum wage if you can’t find a job? Or if you get canned because of the government mandated higher wage? Gavin Newscum deserves to lose HIS “job”. Vote the bag of excrement out of office.

  3. I live in California and didn’t vote for this worthless waste of air, humanity and downright piece of rotten SHIT, nor any of the liberals or progressives or whatever these idiots are calling themselves these days to sound less dangerous that’re hell bent on destroying this former golden state and driving the quality of life into the toilet to the degree of 3rd world status. We tried to get rid of newsom 2+ years ago with a recall that was signed by over 600K vetted, registered voters and there’s no way not even 1/1000th of 1% had a change of heart to keep this piece of worthless trash, no way! I worked on the recall campaign and with the amount of damage this bastard has done statewide, after he destroyed San Francisco, the one time gem of the state with his ‘sanctuary city’ declaration, that’s now the ‘new doo-doo’ capital of America and golden only in the piss and SHIT littering and stinking up the streets, sidewalks and city parks that some neighborhoods are biohazards. I thought the people here had finally gotten smart took their opportunity to get rid of this bozo but he skirted the recall and thus this was just another waste of time and tax dollars. Sometimes I wonder what’s wrong with the people of California to allow this worthless no good bastard to destroy the former golden state to the degree that in some places it’s too far gone. He and the liberal idiots statewide are the reason people and business are leaving California and people need to wake up and the sooner the better before this place becomes un fixable and too far gone.There’s another recall set for this September, and again if this SOB skirts aka beats this second recall, the people here need to demonstrate in the streets and call in the FEDS, (that should have been called in a long time ago on these obviously rigged elections). How much more will it take the people in California get smart and demand better than this BULLSHIT? And by the way, they might try electing some Republicans state wide to balance the power and in no way elect another liberal governor. They’ve seen and deal with the results of the liberals and one would think they would have learned their lessons as doing the same thing (electing liberals) over and over and expecting different results each time is the definition of insanity. California might have lots of eccentrics but nobody in their right mind voted fo this and keeps voting for this. I could go on but this is enough to get people to think, hopefully before the November 5th 2024 election and vote out all liberals and all candidates with a D behind their name, get rid of them, local, regional, and statewide as the cancer they are, if they want to have a better quality of living. This isn’t a Republican thing or a liberal thing and doean’t require the brains of Einstein, a grad degree from Stanford, UCLA or MIT but a common sense thing and doesn’t take a genious to figure it out! And the scary thing, newsom wants to run for preisident. Yeah right, when pigs fly and BULLSHIT don’t stink!


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