That farmer needs to be heavily fined for not checking the locks on the barn doors….

She didn’t win first place, she ate first place.


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  1. gee one piece or two piece bathsuit
    hope they are NOT paying her by the pound

  2. I’m a heavy person and I don’t want to see that fat woman, just like I hate the commercials with fat woman advertising for pads, secret and cloths. Fat is not pretty but disgusting.

  3. Ridiculous! Obesity is now a good thing not only in the US but around the world. A lot of sick people with diabetes, heart problems, et. The OMS should step in and end this nonsense. Glamoraising Obesity, please.

  4. What was her talent? Wing eating contest? Climbing a flight of stairs? Wiping her own behind? She is not attractive. And when I see that kind of fat I can only think of diabetes and fungal infections and the smell that goes with it. You don’t have to be a toothpick but this is SO unhealthy. And so insulting to those in the pageant who do take care of themselves.

  5. How sad people only see the outward look (with their unkind comments) and not is this lady intelligent,does she do good works for the community and so many other good qualities as a person. Remember she has feeling too your unkind comments do nothing for her as a person.

    • Please! Stop the madness! She’s terribly obese and going to die an early death. If she couldn’t drop a few pounds for a Pageant, she’s not going to do it after winning. The fix was in as in all this woke crap and the Pageant has been ruined for the future, which is what was wanted in the first place. If you can’t get rid of it, then ruin it. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Trans athletes stealing trophies and records from actual women. Welcome to Berlin 1930.

  6. As a former ‘fatso’ who has exercised and dieted his ass off for years and finally has gotten down to a decent weight, what’s the purpose for this? Really this poor young women is being made a fool of sad to say, wheather she knows it or not. Glamorizing obesity is wrong and most obese people would do anything and everything to lose the weight and look normal and have a better life. Really carrying that much extra weight around shortens your life in more ways than I could describe here.


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