Did Joe Just Fill His Diaper Today in France?



Yes he did! He has been smelling up the Oval office far too long! FJB! TRUMP 2024!

I owned 3 nursing homes for years This guy has dementia.


  1. OMG! If he was really crapping his pants,( which it looks like he is) he just embarrassed our country and the solemn ceremony he was attending! How crude can one get? You would NEVER see President Trump doing that! He has more character than that! And THIS is the leader of our country? Disgusting old fool needs to be in an Alzheimer’s unit in a care facility! Dear GOD, can this get any worse? He has messed himself in the presence of the pope, farted in the presence of Prince Charles and Camilla, and messed himself on many public situations, too many to count! This one was the most disgusting one yet, shows he has NO manners or decorum! This was a solemn ceremony, and he shitted it up! He MUST be removed! He has NO place in the Oval Office! We need President Trump back in office to bring back the dignity of the country and our presidency! Disgusting old fool needs to be kept away from any public ceremony! It showed how he disrespects our veterans and our country! He has to go! VOTE MAGA!!!!!!

  2. I’m darn sure not a Biden fan, but the guy is sick and is being used by the Democrat Party to further their agenda. I feel sorry for the old man who has no idea which way is up or what he’s doing.

      • Mega MAGA, Yes you are right about Biden being very evil before his incompetence. What I can’t figure out is how can this jackass stay in office for over 50 years and eventually become president when he’s as evil and corrupt as he is? Biden seems to get a pass on everything, breaking laws, such as shady dealings with our enemies. He never is made accountable for his crimes. When will anyone stand up and prosecute this criminal.

  3. WE ARE so quick in making hyper critical comments on others and yet do not know about our own weaknesses. OTHERS who can make bad comments about others are symptoms of their own deep unhappiness and hatred that has dominated their lives. The way we describe others are symptoms of infantile behavior and very loose way of thinking and worst is indicative that we have been hateful all our lives. INVOKING THE HOLY SPIRIT to help us to develop some charitable instincts for adults like us. WE have ceased to show that we have developed the love for others more so with our love for ourselves. What comes out from within are sure symptoms of imbalances that have plagued our mind. MAY GOD cleanse us from deeper, hidden bad feelings towards others. I HOPE and pray that we still believe that God sees our thoughts and inner feelings.


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