Rand Paul HUMILIATES ‘The View’ Host On LIVE Tv After She DISAGREES With Him



“The audience says that’s not true”. Well the audience is probably either trained seals, paid, or a laughing track as well.

Don’t know why any self-respecting person would subject themselves to this show The Spew.


  1. When you go on a hate show. They Expose there HATE. These people are getting paid…….. To say what they say.

  2. The harpies on “The View” are among the most ignorant people on tv. Watching and listening to them spout left-wing nonsense and treating their guests rudely is more than I can take and I never watch the show except when there are excerpts like this one. The audience is composed of ignorant, poorly educated housewives who, like monkeys in a zoo that imitate their observers, cheer on everything that the witches say.

    • Beauty is only skin deep. Their combined IQ is not equal to one average person’s IQ. I briefly “watched” The View in 2015 when I was laid off when Barbara Walters was still on. I hadn’t watched day time TV before then as I worked days. The View wasn’t nearly as bad as it has morphed into. I had it on more as background noise but didn’t really sit and actually watch it. Now, the only time I see any part of The View, it’s excerpts on the news. I shake my head in wonderment how anyone can be so stupid and get paid for it. I don’t understand how anyone could purposely watch it either.

      • Isn’t it amazing? Some dumb. sickening, ignorant ‘bags’ X-comedians like Baher and Goldberg, TELLING stupid people what to do !!! Barbara Walters should be ashamed (rolling over in her grave) for letting it happen!

  3. the comments on this show are all one sided and never show a complete picture on any subject. Plus for the most part they are rude to guest and each other. I am surprised there has not been an uprising to have them taken off the air. Just goes to show how onesided the network seems to be. They are suppose to present all sides not just one. Show is a disgrace for broadcasting.

  4. The Phew invites conservatives on their show to show the world that they can gang up on and try to humiliate them. So far these hogs haven’t succeeded in their efforts. At least when a liberal left gets to go on conservative stations they are treated with DECENCY, something that they don’t have.

  5. SO SAD. Dem’s listening (FOR YEARS!!!) TO these stupid, X-comedians with NOTHING to say but nasty mouth crap! Rude, insulting, dumb …
    So ignorant! Literally make me sick!


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