Three of the most despicable people in the country.
He gives medals to the worst people in our country.
Three of the most despicable people in the country.
He gives medals to the worst people in our country.
What a shame, a great opportunity to put a noose over Kerry and Pelosi’s head, not a medal. These 2 Marxist bloodsuckers should both rot in hell someday.
Pelosi got hers for causing the Jan.6th riot, Kerry for hating America.
Is that another medal Kerry wrote himself up for? From reports I saw, according to his old shipmates Kerry wrote himself up for both a Silver Star, As I recall, there are only two above that. The Navy Cross and the Congressional Medal of Honor. That guy is as much a fake and a phony as Biden.
He is such an embarrassment!
This medal means nothing now. I am so sick of this installed idiot in charge. I want my Country back
Next on the medal bandwagon, a Humanitarian Award for Hamas, Mr. Congeniality Award for Hitler, and Life of Sacrifice and Self Denial Award for Hunter.
Like watching Kim Jong un giving medals to his generals. totally meaningless, what a mockery to our democracy.