Emails REVEAL Biden SENT PALLETS Of Classified Docs To Mar-A-Lago Before FBI Raid on Trump

Emails REVEAL Biden SENT PALLETS Of Classified Docs To Mar-A-Lago Before FBI Raid on Trump


Is anyone going to be charged for framing President Trump? They should be in prison.

The President is LEGALLY ALLOWED to have these documents. This is a moot point.


  1. The SETUP for Trump and pallets of “Classified Documents” was a horribly and dirty trick, coupled with the hundreds of “incidents” which plagued the President during his term. I could list most of them and the general consensus would be “This is shooting a hawk with a Howitzer” I will maintain, as i have studied the traits and Modus Operandi of the previous Administration and can say with almost total certainty that these ideas were “mothered” in the evil mind of Barak Obama, and “associates”. This is exactly how Obama managed to fool most of the people most of the time as the “New Messiah”. Simple, you announce a bold plan either in defense or offense a threat, speak harshly and threaten fire and brimstone…time goes by, [he] has done nothing but says the operation was a total success and declares Victory and moves on to the next round of “death by a thousand cuts.” Trump got wind of these slings and arrows and I have next to me a Paper Titled “The Obama Vacation Scam.” It is outright larceny and literally spitting in the face of decency that even SNOPES was (for once) on the side of RIGHT. It is was too long an explosive essay to edit and abridge but the last point probably is the key to Obama’s ungracious wrath.

    It seems that after Obama left Office, as any President can, ask and be granted “secretarial help and Goodwill appearances” that is due a past President, especially the esteem which Obama was held. Trump interrupted the clever designs of an avaricious character as was Obama that Trump sent the now former President Obama a BILL to cover ALL the vacations Obama took since leaving Office and for the next 20 years. Obama’s recent speeches were not support for his Democrat Party, but rather to SLAM President Trump, as he personally cancelled the planned “vacations”and still sent as Bill for $21 Million to refund to the American Taxpayers. This was verified by SNOPES, which is usually leaning far left, as being “embarrassingly true”. A final nail on the coatrack is that Michelle’s mother (Mrs. Robinson) spent 8 years looking after Sasha and Malia is getting a pension of $13,000 a month for LIFE. Better look at your own Social Security check to get the full effect.

    Thus are the machinations of the corrupt Democrat Party, and one must admit that Barry Soetoro, a Foreign Student from Kenya, somehow paid the tuition at Columbia, had his bride [Michael LeVaughn Robinson] and was mentored by Frank Marshall davis, then head of the American Communist Party…and then learned the real meaning of “Community Organizing” and Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground to ghost write Obama’s Rocking Best-Seller “Dreams of my Father” to round out a President’s term that was now going to face many forms of reprisal for daring to mess with the plans of this “New Messiah”.

  2. Thank u TOWNCAR, I wasn’t aware of much of that.But I knew this racist,anti=american wasn’t born here, and should of never been president.He was the divider=in=chief,split this country in two.But that karma is about to catch up with him, and his corrupt party. His buddy mike can run but will get beat just like nidenbiden would of.Your party doomed itself, and u haven’t seen anything yet.

  3. There is so much more and more than complicated…someday at sometime I might just post the whole story which approaches the edge of “i can’t believe that he would do THAT.” The NYT did a face-washing piece when on one of Obama’s “vacations” that, according to the Times, “would equal that of a “Persian Pasha” while in office $43Million…for two weeks with floors of Hotels rented and Room Service 24/7 and unlimited shopping and Michelle had a daily shopping allowance of $25,000…and yet if [you] go to the NYT Archives, it mentions the trip, and attendees, and little mention of the cost…including the cost of the Presidential vehicles and 6 extra vehicles equipped with security for ferrying the “guests” from place to place. Yes, and some of the guests even said it “was the best vacation [they] had every had. Golly Gee, it’s so much fun when you are free to spend MY tax dollars when Chaities are begging for help during that time. If Trump did anything during the early pandemic, he OVERSUPPLIED the requests for beds (1500 beds on a Hospital ship that went unused but cost to equip and unload $15Million.) Then the Minister of Puerto Rico that had been shredded by a hurricane and they needed HELP, Trump sent help, and was vilified for “a lousy 100 cases of water” Trump got the manifest and then sent a “mole” nd found all the supplies in caves and unused warehouses”…when confronted the Minister of Puerto Rico quickly distributed the supplies…AND neglected to notify any press that the aid was there and being used. Many still believe Trump screwed them for political gain. HEY, these rats play for keeps.

    • I apologize for the typos and badc syntax…there is NO edit ability before submission. I type fast and have old fingers.

  4. I still have not heard a plausible explanation as to why the agents that raided Trump wore backpacks. I’ve never seen that before.


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