‘Verdict WONT Stand’ – NY Judge Gets Devastating News After Trump Verdict



My family stands with Trump. We will put him in office. He’s our hero and the most incredible president in My 60 years of life!

Ignoron doesn’t know the law. Ignored testimonies, refused rebuttals, used fraudulent assessments and made ridiculous rulings.


  1. Both the Judge and DA should not only be removed from the case but the Judge should be removed from the bench and Disbarred so he can’t judge anyone else. The DA should be removed, disbarred so he can not practice law here in the United States. Never seen a Corrupt Justice system as well as a supposedly Democratic Party. Everyone took an Oath before they took their position but are looking at using corruption and further Communism in this Country since this is what Dictators do.

    • Theodore, everyone from Biden on down to the so-called Democrats has violated nearly their entire oaths since taking office. In this country, it’s come to the point that we who try to do the right thing are the criminals and those – Communists or Fascists are the “great heroes. i really hope those who voted that anti-American trash into office are happy with what they’ve done to help destroy our once-free nation,

  2. If this “Justice” is allowed to stand, what has become of a judicial system which targets people with different political views. Biden is not fit for office physically or mentally, yet we hear how “sharp” he is. We believe our eyes, he is neither sharp or fit. He is a doddering old man, with a wicked temper who could get us into WWIII.

  3. It looks like the Democrats are trying to get rid of the Republican party. Democratic judges appear to be gangsters. Democrats have to go, this conspiracy should send a message in the courts, and they should prosecute this blatently open gangster activity in the courts

  4. That’s why we Americans must get out and vote don’t use Mail in ballots go in person we must stop the destruction of our Country.

  5. Any business person who believes Gov. Hochol about this is naive. She is a democrat after all, and everyone knows they lie and will say anything to help wreck this country.

  6. Ignoron’s eyes are a huge indicator that he suffers from mental illness. He should be removed from the bench and sent to an institution for his own protection.

  7. Every American should have spoken up at “shout” level when the Russian Hoax was exposed, but it was allowed because folks didn’t just “not like” Trump – they loathed him so they said nothing and criminal criminal justice folks kept going. A president has the right to to take papers – secret and otherwise. I believe nobody else has that right?! Yet Senator and VP Biden did, not even protected in any way, and yet he wasn’t raided. How can we overlook, be silent when these very dangerous practices by powerful “justice” folks is allowed??? This NY thing? there was no criminal act reported – “they” just went digging and then didn’t even USE facts – which they couldn’t find – How could that have ever been brought to trial – no crime, no fault, no injury, no financial loss to anyone. Everyone in “justice” involved in this “case” should be defrocked!!!! CRIPES! America – WAKE UP, CARE!!!!

    • Great wording and feel the same but you articulated it so much better than I could have. Why do citizens want to be communist? Why would they illegally put a non citizen from China as election board (manager not the right word) in charge of fair elections?

      Guess the Chinese coming in at San Diego border will be going to San Francisco to vote?

  8. What’s been and is still being done to Trump is inexcusable and EVERYONE involved in doing those things should end up doing prison time. Personally, I’ve been voting for presidents since 1946, when I turned 21, which should be the voting age and not 16 or 18. Trump is the first who actually worked FOR the people. If I were Trump, after what’s been done to him so far, I’d be very tempted to tell the U.S. government to put this country where the sun doesn’t shine and move to my estate on that little South Atlantic island, and create my own little “Kingdom.” In closing, I want to congratulate the moronic idiots who blindly voted for Biden, who created all this mess for what they did TO and not FOR our once free country.


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